The future of SUP? Here are some paddlers, predictions and potential narratives to follow in Season 2023 and beyond
With the first big race of the year run and won, it's time to look forward to what Season 2023 has to offer. Each year we look into the crystal ball searching for the dominant themes, headlines and stories that will shape stand up paddling for the next 12 months.
GlaGla: Ludovic Teulade wins again, Anna Tschirky earns maiden victory
Ludovic Teulade has won the GlaGla race for a second time, out-sprinting Germany's Norm Weber to repeat his 2019 success while young Dutchman Donato Freens was very impressive in third. Kaelan Lockhart from Australia looked strong all race but settled for fourth place just ahead of Denmark's Christian "Polar Bear" Andersen.
“T-shirt Storytime” …a trip down memory lane
I found an old bag full of SUP racing event t-shirts from over the years, and I thought it might be fun to take a little trip down memory lane and share some stories from the pages of paddling history. Live... Tonight... (and hopefully tonight only because I'm still having trouble breathing after putting on a dozen t-shirts at once) I present you with T-shirt Storytime
Last Paddler Standing was an emotional rollercoaster—and a disruptive new frontier for SUP racing
Kelly Margetts called it a Netflix series. That's a bold assertion for a humble SUP race, yet by the time Paolo Marconi claimed victory after 48 hours of slow-moving suspense in Sarasota last week, Kelly's comment was starting to sound like an understatement. Last Paddler Standing was unlike anything we've seen in the world of SUP. It was less of a race and more of a journey. An emotional rollercoaster that swept us up and somehow turned a simple live stream into compelling viewing.