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Stand Up Paddle racing

May 3, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Watch the pros of the Stand Up Paddle racing world preview the big weekend @ the Waikiki Paddle Festival. Travis Grant // Danny Ching // Paul Jackson // Jenny Kalmbach // Connor Baxter // Steve Walker // Tom Carroll // Angie Jackson // Jake Jensen

May 2, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Four days and counting until the Waikiki Paddle Festival. SUPracer is on location in Waikiki and there's promos for the race all

May 1, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Four days until the big race! The Waikiki Paddle Festival is happening this weekend. SUPracer is in town, are you? The biggest stars from the world of Stand Up Paddle racing will be battling it out on May 5th & 6th at Waikiki. Be p