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Stand Up Paddle racing

April 14, 2020
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

My guest today is a great paddler and an all-round great guy, and he's someone I have a great deal of respect for. Kenny Kaneko is Japan's long-time number one, but he's also a fantastic ambassador for paddling in general. We chatted about his love of Molokai, outrigger and his original plan to become a pro football player. Kenny also shared his thoughts on the power of paddling, the future of the sport and life as a family man in the quarantine era.

April 13, 2020
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][/notdevice][device] [/device] [FULL REPLAY] Bart de Zwart and I hosted a special screening of the Yukon River Quest documentary “Chased by the Midnight Sun” today, including some bonus commentary and behind-the-scenes stories. Thanks to everyone who tuned in from around the world to watch — hope it gave you a little quarantine entertainment and motivation! […]

April 12, 2020
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

"King of the Ultras" Bart de Zwart joins us from Maui to preview tomorrow's Midnight Sun watch party and chat about the raw attraction of paddling the Yukon River. Join us tomorrow for a special screening of our Yukon River Quest documentary with bonus commentary from Bart and I. W