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April 14, 2020
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

My guest today is a great paddler and an all-round great guy, and he's someone I have a great deal of respect for. Kenny Kaneko is Japan's long-time number one, but he's also a fantastic ambassador for paddling in general. We chatted about his love of Molokai, outrigger and his original plan to become a pro football player. Kenny also shared his thoughts on the power of paddling, the future of the sport and life as a family man in the quarantine era.

April 13, 2020
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][/notdevice][device] [/device] [FULL REPLAY] Bart de Zwart and I hosted a special screening of the Yukon River Quest documentary “Chased by the Midnight Sun” today, including some bonus commentary and behind-the-scenes stories. Thanks to everyone who tuned in from around the world to watch — hope it gave you a little quarantine entertainment and motivation! […]