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Stand Up Paddle racing

January 23, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Meet the world's tallest Stand Up Paddler: Former NBA star (and now keen stand up paddler) Luc Longley. If you're not a sports fan here's a quick bio: Luc Longley is Australia's greatest ever basketballer. He w

January 22, 2013
by Steve West

Boss Man's Note: We're stoked to have paddling writer extraordinaire Steve West join the team. Steve has been writing about ocean paddling sports for more than 20

January 21, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Another great clip by SUP filmmaker extraordinaire Chris Aguilar for the Bark crew. This one gives a bit of insight into the philosophy of famous Stand Up Paddle board shaper Joe Bark

January 21, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

We're only a month away from the 2013 ISA Worlds and the team announcements are starting to flow in. One of Europe's leading Stand Up Paddling nations and a bit of a dark horse in the SU