Ultra Month: 715 kilometres down, 1248 to go…
Niek van der Linde paddled 23 hours through the fields of Friesland, Emmanuelle Marcon flowed down the Dordogne river in France for 11 hours, and somewhere in the remote wetlands of upstate New York, canoe teams completed their own 145km quest in times between 12
Dutch duo Joep van Bakel and Ella Oesterhelt have won the SUP 11-City Tour
In brief: After five days and more than 200 kilometres of paddling through the fields of Friesland, Joep van Bakel has claimed the 2021 SUP 11-City Tour to become the first men’s champion from the host nation since Bart de Zwart in 2014. Joep was kept honest all week by the dark horse Belgian Kjell […]
Niek van der Linde breaks race and world record as bold paddlers complete the epic SUP11-City Tour “Non-Stop” in times of 23-39 hours
It was a bright, sunny morning in the rural Dutch province of Friesland. The locals were sitting at cafes on the banks of the canal sipping coffees and enjoying the last days of summer. The flag of Friesland - a province that considers itself more of a nation - fluttered gently in the bre
When, where and how to follow the crazy SUP11-City Tour NON-STOP race this weekend
Welcome to Ultra Month. Over the next 18 days we'll see close to 1000km paddled across six adventures in five countries, and the first of those is arguably the toughest. The non-stop edition of the famous SUP11-City Tour is happening
September is Ultra Month: Three weeks, seven races and 2000km of adventure
The Ultras. There's something about these immense challenges that piques the interest of so many paddlers in equal parts excitement and nerves. A bootcamp for both the body and mind, an ultra-marathon paddle "race" (adventure would be a more fitting term) is an exercise in ph
“The Tour de France on water” — What can stand up paddling learn from the world’s biggest race?
"Remove from the heat, crumble in the cheese and stir until melted. Add the thyme then transfer to a large bowl. Allow to cool a little, and then stir in the egg yolks and season." I was listening to a recipe for blue cheese soufflé with pommes frites, and I
More than a race: We’re building the ‘Ultra Paddle League’ to share the world’s longest races, biggest stories and grandest adventures
It was around the 560-kilometre mark of the Yukon River Quest that it finally clicked. Tired, dazed, and with every part of my body screaming out to stop after more than 50 hours of paddling, it hit me like a parting of the seas: The reason why we love these ultra-marath