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Stand Up Paddle racing

October 11, 2017
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”199″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device] Here’s a great view of the Alpine Lakes Tour race in Lake Bourget on the weekend, which was the final stop of the 2017 series.

October 5, 2017
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device]

October 3, 2017
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device] Just in case you need any more motivation to take a summer holiday in Europe, this epic edit from Mo Freitas should do the tric