Connor Baxter Won the Red Bull Heavy Water Event in San Fran (and Pocketed $20,000)
Connor Baxter took out the much-hyped Red Bull Heavy Water event in San Francisco last week, surviving the solid waves at Ocean Beach to edge out arch-rival Kai Lenny and pick u
San Fran Downwinder with Jonas, Tom and the QB Crew
Here's an inspiring little clip that Quickblade posted a couple of weeks ago, featuring adaptive paddlers Jonas Letieri and To
Watch Mike Jucker’s Behind the Scenes Vlog from the Maui Race
Mike Jucker from Stand Up Magazin is back with another great behind-the-scenes race recap, this time from the World Series race on Maui, which saw some entertaining conditions for t
Kai Lenny and Fiona Wylde Won the World Series Finals on Maui
Although the season has started winding down after the high of Doheny earlier this month, the racing season never really ends these days... There were a bunch of events around the world in lat
Sonni Hönscheid: Champion Paddler, Artist and Mercedes Benz Ambassador
Sonni Hönscheid needs no introduction. The German powerhouse proved she's one of the strongest paddlers in the world this year, claiming a record third-s