INTERVIEW: ISA President Fernando Aguerre shares his vision for the future of SUP (by focusing on the past)
And on the third day he rose again. Like a prophet arising from his grave, the evergreen President of the International Surfing Association (ISA), surfboard collector and former foo
REPLAY: Talking story with KT on SUP Connect Live
Here’s a full replay of my chat with Kristin Thomas on Supconnect Live yesterday. It was a fun chance to catch up with KT and chat a little about where our sport might be heading (it was also fun to be on the other end of the interview for a change). Kristin is one of […]
SUPtember Double-Header: ICF set to sanction 11 City Tour in 2022 (potential ‘Ultra World Championship’ in 2023)
In news that will excite those with a passion for paddling way too far, the classic SUP11 City Tour is set to become an even grander event in 2022 and beyond. The International Canoe Federation (ICF) and 11 Cities have agreed to collab
2022 ICF Worlds: dates confirmed for Gdynia, Poland
The International Canoe Federation (ICF) has confirmed dates for its 2022 Stand Up Paddling World Championships to be held in Gdynia, Poland. The "ICF Worlds" are slated for September 7-11 and will feature the usual disciplines of sprints,
Finally… 2022 ‘ISA Worlds’ confirmed for Puerto Rico (update: November)
Following two years of radio silence, the ISA (International Surfing Association) has finally confirmed it will be holding its first Stand Up Paddle World Championship since 2019. The 'ISA Worlds' a