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Stand Up Paddle racing

July 22, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

This isn't entirely stand up paddling news, but I thought it was pretty cool all the same: Prone paddleboarding is part of the 2015 CrossFit Games, which are happening right now in LA. The CrossFit

July 21, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

One of the long-running staples of the SoCal racing scene, the San Clemente Ocean Fest, was held on the weekend. Despite the unseasonably strange weather, a good chunk of the local paddling community came out for what looke

July 20, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

We've just updated the SUP Racer World Rankings to include results and points from the Maui 2 Molokai race. The M2M scored 21.5% on the men's Race Index this year (down slightly on last year), but unfortunately didn't qualify at all for the women's