\ Time Out On The Board Class Wars (12’6″ vs 14′ etc etc) – SUP Racer
August 30, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Time Out On The Board Class Wars (12’6″ vs 14′ etc etc)

There’s been a lot of talk about board classes lately (including from us).

12’6″ vs. 14′

14′ vs Unlimited

Multiple board classes vs one class races

“One Design” SUP races

What’s fair? What’s not? What’s exciting? What’s boring? What’s good for the future of SUP racing? What’s not?

A lot of talk. But talking is just that, talking. It’s not paddling (and it’s nowhere near as fun). So at the risk of armchair SUP racers taking over the discussion, someone has stepped in to call time out.

Below is European #1 (and one of our “Top 6” Stand Up Paddler racers from a few months back) Eric Terrien’s Facebook post. Trust a Frenchman to put it eloquently.

The basic message: There’s too much arguing about the small details, and not enough time enjoying paddling for what it is. From the response that Terrien’s words have received, it’s obvious he’s not the only one who thinks some SUP racers are losing their focus.

At SUPracer we couldn’t agree more (even though we’re just as guilty as anyone of stirring the pot!). Stand Up Paddle racing should be about pushing yourself while enjoying being on the water. This debate is certainly worth having, just not at the cost of enjoying the sport…