Paddlecast: Fiona Wylde chats downwinding, downtime and foil addiction on episode #015
Fiona Wylde joins us from Hood River, Oregon, to chat about life as a professional stand up paddler, her love affair with foiling and what she’s been up to during the coronavirus downtime.
Are you enjoying the show? The SUP Racer podcast is now a DAILY SHOW — I’ll be doing a new episode of Paddlecast every single day for as long as we’re all stuck indoors. That’s my commitment to you and my way of giving back to the SUP community ✌️
I’ll also be inviting you to join ‘Club SUP Racer’ next week — a special “Insider’s Club” where you can pay a few bucks a month to support the creative work of SUP Racer (and score some cool bonuses while you’re at it). Keep an eye out for the launch details in a few days…
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