\ 2013 Molokai-2-Oahu Date Set… – SUP Racer
November 29, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

2013 Molokai-2-Oahu Date Set…

Clear your calendars; the Molokai-2-Oahu organisers have just picked the date for the 2013 edition of this classic paddleboard race. After an amazing 2012, when the progression of open ocean SUP racing took another huge leap forward, it’ll be interesting to see what happens at Molokai next year.

Can anyone match Connor Baxter? Will Dave Kalama give it another crack after coming so close? Are the wildcards like Danny Ching and Travis Grant going to show their stuff? How about 10x champion Jamie Mitchell, does he want to turn JM10 into JM11? And can he?

Then in the women’s division I’m sure Andrea Moller will want to reassert her dominance on the world of ocean SUP racing, after being comprehensively beaten by young gun Talia Gangini this year.

But no matter what happens, we’ll keep you posted with all the info, news and results for the 2013 Molokai to Oahu SUP race right here on SUPracer.com. All the action will be happening on Sunday July 28th.

Conditions for the 2012 race were all time, with records broken almost right across the board (see the full 2012 Molokai results). It’ll be interesting to see how it goes this year, with speculation the tides might not be so favourable. The Molokai course itself needs no explaining: You start on Molokai, you finish on Oahu. Simple. Just a small matter of crossing the 32 miles of open ocean that’s in between the two islands…