\ Connor Baxter And Sonni Hönscheid Conquer The Lost Mills (Full Results, Photos, Recap) – SUP Racer
June 6, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Connor Baxter And Sonni Hönscheid Conquer The Lost Mills (Full Results, Photos, Recap)

Lost Mills

Epic shot from the start of today’s 18km distance race (photo: Ernstfried Prade)

Connor Baxter and Sonni Hönscheid have just won the 2015 Lost Mills International SUP Race, beating an all star field and establishing a commanding lead on the Euro Tour Leaderboard in the process.

After 18km of long, hot, draining paddling, it was the superstar from Starboard who outlasted one of the most elite fields ever seen outside the USA. With a blazing hot Bavarian sun beating down on Week 3 of the Euro Tour, the start of today’s classic Lost Mills distance race was hectic to say the least.

With a record 91 guys on the elite race start line space was tight, and there was seemingly-endless jockeying for position as the draft trains began to form over the opening 5-10 minutes. This amazing Lost Mills drone video shows just how wide the field was spread.

Lost Mills stand up paddle board race

Hectic start… (photo credit: Ernstfried Prade)

Things had barely settled down before competitors hit their first obstacle, the dreaded “portage run”. In the Lost Mills, paddlers have to exit the water and run 100 metres over to the next lake, do a loop of that second lake, then run back into the first lake and paddle to the start/finish line. These portages are usually where the trains dismantle and that’s exactly what happened today.

Early into the second lake, around the 4km mark of the 18km race, a lead group of 16 odd paddlers broke away and never looked back. These 16 guys would go on to fill all the top positions, as first Eric Terrien and then a series of top names set a constant pace that broke the rest of the field.

The journey around the second lake, the larger of the two, seemed to go on forever like some cruel mirage. 18km (it ended up being closer to 19) is even longer than it sounds, especially when it’s boiling hot and you’re paddling in dead flat water.

Lost Mills

Paddlers around the second lake as the draft trains splintered (thanks to Christine Fuglsang for capturing this epic view)

What made it even harder was the incredible level of competition at this year’s Lost Mills. The number of international top-tier paddlers wasn’t any larger than what we saw 12 months ago, but the second- and third-tier guys have really stepped it up in 2015. We now have a true “middle class” of high level paddling talent here in Europe, which is fantastic to see.

To highlight this fact: At one point I tried to count all the ants fading into the distance in front of me, and concluded that I was sitting in 44th position. Now I’m not a fast paddler by any means, but the last time I was sitting outside the top 40 at a race was at the Battle of the Paddle…

Lost Mills

It was a hectic start with 91 guys on the line (photo: StandUp Magazin)

So on and on it went around Lake #2. The top 16 odd paddlers continued to pull away, while behind them the draft trains splintered like an old piece of wood. Paddlers began to scatter all over, as we knuckled down for the long, hot journey.

By the time this never-ending loop around the second lake was complete, things really started heating up at the front. The lead group had stayed together right up until the 15km mark, but as the top guys made the second and final portage run back into the first lake, it turned into an all out sprint.

On the final 3km journey back to the finish line, the top groups broke apart from the increased tempo combined with the tiring conditions. By the time the contest entered the final kilometre, Connor was locked in a four-way sprint to the line with Titouan Puyo, Arthur Arutkin and Trevor Tunnington. None of the final four took the easy route by drafting, each took his own clean water and tried to out-paddle the other three.

Paul Jackson and Trevor Tunnington, two of the early race leaders, on the infamous portage run between the twin lakes of the Lost Mills (photo: Surfstadl Ammersee)

Paul Jackson and Trevor Tunnington, two of the early race leaders, on the infamous portage run between the twin lakes of the Lost Mills (photo: Surfstadl Ammersee)

But in the end Connor found his magic 7th gear when he needed it most, out-lasting a very impressive Titou (how high can this guy go?), with Trevor (who’s announced his presence on the world stage this week) overtaking Arthur in the final hundred metres.

This gives Team Starboard a clean sweep of the men’s podium (and four of the top 10), an amazing feat considering the big names assembled here in Germany. Though a special mention also goes to Team Fanatic, who plucked three of the top 10 spots, with BIC scoring two and SIC picking up one.

The result also cements Connor’s position as world number one on the SUP Racer World Rankings. Titou moves inside the Top 10 for the first time following his runner-up finish, while Trevor and Arthur both made big jumps courtesy of their strong performances on the lake.

Lost Mills

Titou and Connor sprinting side by side to the finish, with Trevor and Arthur behind (photo credit: StandUp Magazin)

In the women’s race it was a two-way battle almost the entire way, with Sonni Honscheid outlasting Angie Jackson. One of the top contenders, Lina Augaitis pulled out pre-race, leaving her two fellow top 10 world ranked women to battle it out.

When I looked behind me at around the 13km mark I could see Sonni sitting on Angie’s tail, but I hear at the second portage run that Sonni took off and never looked back. This win continues Sonni’s unbeaten streak in Europe: The German has now swept the first three weeks of the Euro Tour and takes a commanding lead on the Euro Tour Leaderboard as we head to Bilbao for Week 4.

Celine Guesdon continued her fine Euro Tour form by claiming third place, though the story of the day was perhaps 56-year-old Carol Scheunemann, who came out of nowhere to beat a few of the international competitors. Carol is a complete unknown outside Germany, but apparently she cleans up on the domestic circuit.

Another big effort came from 5th placed Fiona Wylde. Due to some recent health concerns, Fiona barely trained in the weeks leading up to the Euro Tour. To ease yourself back into it with a hot, draining 18km race is pretty damn tough; To do that and finish top five means you’re a pretty tough competitor.

Lost Mills SUP race 2015

Top seven women: Sonni (1st), Carol (4th), Susanne (6th), Shelby (7th), Angie (2nd), Fiona (5th), Celine (3rd)

So there you go. That was Lost Mills 2015. Summing up the race in one word: Brutal. It was hot and it was long. But it was a great contest. This event still has some work to do before it’s a truly world class affair, but it’s great to see so many talented paddlers competing together in Europe. And not just the big names that we all know, but the second- and third-tier men and women that are driving the stand up paddle racing scene in Euro land.

You can check out the full results below. And if you want more PHOTOS, here are four hundred of the best…

Planke SUP Magazine’s Lost Mills gallery
SUP-mag.de’s Lost Mills gallery
SurfStadl Ammersee’s gallery / SurfStadl gallery #2
Lost Mills drone video
StandUp Magazin’s Lost Mills gallery

2015 Lost Mills International SUP Race

Course: 18.7km
Conditions: Flat
Weather: F#$%ing hot
Race Index: Men’s 43.5% / Women’s 23.5%
View the updated Euro Tour Leaderboard
View the updated SUP Racer World Rankings
1.Connor Baxter1:49:26,643.5014'0 StarboardUSA1994
2.Titouan Puyo1:49:29,432.6314'0 StarboardFRA1991
3.Trevor Tunnington1:49:32,626.1014´0 StarboardAUS1997
4.Arthur Arutkin1:49:38,021.7514´0 FanaticFRA1997
5.Georges Cronsteadt1:50:00,118.4914'0 SICCAN1980
6.Leonard Nika1:50:03,015.2314´0 StarboardITA1987
7.Davide Ionico1:50:07,613.0514'0 FanaticITA1997
8.Jake Jensen1:50:21,510.8814´0 FanaticAUS1994
9.Chase Kosterlitz1:50:40,49.7914´0 BICUSA1986
10.Eric Terrien1:50:41,68.7014'0 BICFRA1981
11.Bicho Jimanaz1:50:43,47.8314´0 RogueMEX1994
12.Casper Steinfath1:50:48,86.9614´0 NaishDEN1993
13.Martin Letourneur1:50:53,26.5314´0 Hobie SUPFRA1996
14.Davide Codotto1:50:58,06.0914'0 FanaticITA1986
15.Fernando Stalla1:51:01,95.6614´0 RogueMEX1987
16.Jeremy Teulade1:53:00,75.2214´0 StarboardFRA1993
17.Paolo Marconi1:53:07,24.7914´0 Jimmy LewisITA1991
18.Bruno Caparella1:53:11,14.3514´0 BICDEU1986
19.Peter Weidert1:53:38,63.9214´0 JP AustraliaDEU1972
20.Peter Bartl1:54:15,83.4814´0 JP AustraliaAUT1972
21.Bart de Zwart1:54:41,53.2614'0 StarboardNLD1970
22.Stephan Stiefenhöfer1:55:00,63.0514´0 MistralDEU1972
23.Branislav Sramek1:55:27,02.83JP AustraliaCZE1975
24.Ike Frans1:55:35,62.6114´0 StarboardNLD1973
25.Peter Tritten1:55:59,42.3914´0 StarboardCHE1980
26.Aaron Rowe1:56:14,32.2614´0 LokahiGBR1997
27.Martijn van Deth1:56:20,62.1314'0 StarboardNLD1977
28.Paul Ganse1:57:39,32.0014´0 JP AustraliaDEU1986
29.Ryan James1:57:58,11.8714´0 MistralGBR1975
30.Belar Diaz1:58:15,41.7414'0 SICESP1982
31.Ricardo Haverschmidt1:58:29,81.6514'0 FanaticNLD1988
32.Alexander Stertzik1:58:31,21.5714´0 Wark BoardDEU1981
33.Ludovic Teulade1:58:48,01.4814´0 StarboardFRA1995
34.Nicola Masci1:59:37,01.3914'0 SICITA1982
35.Pete Holliday2:00:04,41.3114´0 BICGBR1977
36.Steven Bredow2:00:20,51.2214´0 Focus HawaiiDEU1985
37.Alain Nic. Luck2:00:27,51.1314´0 BICCHE1988
38.Leonardo Toso2:02:10,51.0414´0 JP AustraliaITA1995
39.Martin Salmhofer2:02:14,00.9614´0 SICAUT1976
40.Guy Barel2:02:19,00.8714'0 StarboardISR1998
41.Christopher Parker2:03:04,00.8314'0 SICAUS1983
42.Bojan Bernard2:03:22,40.7814´0 FanaticSVN1972
43.Christopf Salmhofer2:03:50,20.7414´0 JM PaddleboardsAUT1982
44.Ole Schwarz2:04:10,20.7012,6 NaishDEU1997
45.Kai-Nicolas Steimer2:04:11,80.6514´0 FanaticDEU1990
46.Fritz Rometsch2:04:18,10.6114´0 NaishDEU1978
47.Klaus Dedial2:04:42,00.5714´0 JP AustraliaDEU1960
48.Arnd Dünziger2:05:05,20.5214'0 StarboardDEU1963
49.Wolfgang Mayr2:05:22,50.4814´0 MakaioDEU1968
50.Armin Zeidler2:06:19,10.4414´´0 StarboardDEU1982
51.Carsten Kurmis2:06:19,614'0 StarboardDEU1968
52.Valentin Illichmann2:06:31,914´0 FamatocDEU1999
53.Benny Jansen2:07:13,014´0 StarboardNLD1972
54.Crispin Jones2:07:26,214´0 Red Paddle Co.GBR1986
55.Michael Frosch2:07:46,314'0 SICDEU1977
56.Tucker Ingalls2:08:02,314´0 NaishUSA1996
57.Hein Droste2:08:17,714´0 FanaticDEU1961
58.Paul Jackson2:08:27,914´0 One SUPAUS1976
59.Christian Moutsakos2:09:10,914´0 BOGAAUT1968
60.Gianmatteo Cau2:09:29,914´0 Jimmy LewisDEU1981
61.Jim Terell2:09:34,814'0 QBUSA1967
62.Dirk Worrmann2:09:49,214´0 FanaticDEU1973
63.Colori Schilling2:10:55,814´0 StarboardDEU1974
64.Endre Virag2:11:28,714'0 StarboardHUN1967
65.Thomas Maier2:11:50,014´0 JP AustraliaDEU1958
66.Frank Gondek2:12:04,014'0 JP AustraliaDEU1965
67.Torsten Ahrens2:13:55,214´0 NaishDEU1965
68.Christian Hahn2:14:31,214´0 NaishDEU1973
69.Wolfgang Leeb2:15:44,714´0 StarboardAUT1969
70.Thomas Laurenz2:16:13,814´0 MistralDEU1962
71.Stefan Prause2:17:19,314´0 StarboardDEU1965
72.André Dr. Zeglin2:18:13,614´0 StarboardDEU1978
73.Georg Schöpf2:19:31,414´0 LokahiDEU1982
74.Alex Gäbler2:19:54,614´0 StarboardDEU1963
75.Jan-Willem van Stuijvenberg2:20:01,414´0 StarboardNLD1957
76.Alexander Kirsch2:20:10,014´0 NaishDEU1970
77.Pavel Sapounov2:22:21,314´0 SICDEU1980
78.Stefan Iburg2:22:48,214'0 NaishDEU1970
79.John Fuglsang2:23:54,514´0 OneAUS1952
80.Ralf Schultz2:24:09,012,6 Gong SUPDEU1971
81.Robin Ferchert2:24:45,014´0 FanaticDEU1994
82.Aram Jaberg2:25:26,214´0 GongDEU1968
83.Edgar Fischer2:27:11,614´0 JP AustraliaAUT1974
84.Klaus Schulten2:28:25,614'0 NSPDEU1963
85.Rachmann Djajakusuma2:30:22,614´0 JP AustraliaDEU1967
86.Michael Ferchert2:30:26,812'6 FanaticDEU1963
87.Dirk Utecht2:35:59,414´0 NaishDEU1971
88.Thomas Suttner2:37:15,214'0 Jimmy LewisDEU1975
89.Bernd Weitzel2:41:27,714´0 AirboardDEU1963
90.Jörg Bakuhn3:03:54,812'6 SICDEU1963

Lost Mills stand up paddle race Germany

1Sonni Honscheid2:00:5923.5014' SICDEU1981
2Angie Jackson2:03:5917.6314' OneAUS1976
3Celine Guesdon2:04:0514.1014' BICFRA1978
4Carol Scheunemann2:05:0411.7514' JP AustraliaDEU1958
5Fiona Wylde2:05:589.9914' Starboard USA1997
6Susanne Lier2:06:058.2314' Hobie DEU1980
7Shelby Taylor2:06:177.0514' Riviera USA1992
8Susak Molinero2:07:205.8814' Jimmy Lewis ESP1988
9Janneke Smits2:14:105.2914' Starboard NLD1983
10Joanne Hamilton-Vale2:17:464.7014' Charlie GreyGBR1966
11Emma Reijmerik2:18:454.2314' NaishNLD1988
12Sabine Schellander2:21:133.7614' SICAUT1977
13Natalia Fon2:24:443.5314' NaishSVN1960
14Phine Scheibe2:26:483.2914' FanaticDEU1987
15Anja Schilling2:33:063.0614' StarboardDEU1978
16Linda Salbach2:45:102.8214' JP AustraliaDEU1986

View the updated Euro Tour Leaderboard
View the updated SUP Racer World Rankings

Day 2 Update: More Fun In The Bavarian Sun

Day 2 of the Lost Mills was a bit of a lay day, with a couple of fun little races happening but nothing too serious. Most of the pros were laying low, hanging out at the host hotel, the Strandhotel Seehof, and resting up ahead of tomorrow’s main event.

We did see some action out on the water though, including a highly entertaining jet-surf race this evening…

Friday started with the Parallel Slalom race, which was basically yesterday’s 200m course but with a zig-zagging set of buoy turns. Paddlers faced off head to head in a simple knockout format, with the men’s field, missing many of the resting pros, eventually whittling its way down to just three: Connor Baxter, Paolo Marconi and the previously-unknown young gun from Israel, Guy Barel.

With a trio still standing, the usual head to head format didn’t work in the final. Instead we saw a round-robin paddle off, with Guy upsetting Paolo (who’s shown some damn fine from on the Euro Tour so far) on the first run, before Connor stepped in and did what he usually does: Win. Paolo and Guy both gave a spirited fight, but the race belonged to the Starboard superstar.

To make the final, Connor had to defeat Casper Steinfath in the quarters, which proved to be one of the highlights. We may have unearthed a future contender in Guy though – the youngster looked super quick off the line and around the buoys. Could be a name to keep an eye on.

In the women’s Parallel Slalom nobody was really surprised to see Lina Augaitis and Angie Jackson reach the final two. As the fastest finishers in yesterday’s time trial, Lina and Angie once again battled for the title, and once again Lina came out on top.

Later in the evening we got a real treat: A demo race on the “WaterWolf” electric jet surfer boards. These things are basically a big, fat, really heavy surfboard with an outboard motor attached to the bottom. It was a hell of a lotta fun, even if most of us struggled to get the hang of it.

There were a few bright points, such as Tucker Ingalls who seemed to be a total natural, though most of the athletes wound up in the water at least once or twice on their run. It was highly entertaining to watch some of the guys accidentally pull the kill switch and go arse over tit. I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a while…

A fun way to end another beautiful day in the Bavarian countryside. We’ve been seriously lucky with the weather this year: Perfect blue skies and 25-30 degrees celsius (86 F). Though ironically, this warm weather looks set to whip up a lightning storm tomorrow afternoon, which could mean an earlier start for the distance race.

And what a distance race it’s going to be. Although we’ve already had two full days of racing, tomorrow’s 18km distance race is the main event. It’s where all the points are on offer for the Euro Tour Leaderboard, and it’s where the vast majority of the bragging rights are up for grabs.

Won’t really be much of a spectator-friendly affair – it’s a “there and back again” style course – but it’ll be a very interesting contest for the serious paddlers.

We’ve got a lot of top ranked guys here this week, which should make tomorrow’s contest a fairly intense battle. Expect plenty of jockeying early on as the inevitable draft trains start to form, though don’t be surprised if that argy bargy continues well into the middle part of the 18km race. Nobody’s going to go quietly.

Though as much as the draft train positioning will help decide the race, the key moments will probably come on the beach runs. The Lost Mills course is held on two lakes that are divided by a break wall. Competitors paddle across the first lake, run around the beach to the next one, paddle a loop around that, then jump back in the first lake and paddle back to the start/finish line. It’s these run legs (or “portages”) that can make or break a race. It’s where the draft trains splinter and those who are suffering lose touch with the leaders.

So who are the contenders?

We’ve got 12-15 guys that could legitimately lay claim to a top five spot, then another 12-15 guys that would be an outside chance of sneaking into top 10.

Titouan Puyo, Connor Baxter, Georges Cronsteadt, Jake Jensen, Casper Steinfath, Eric Terrien, Trevor Tunnington, Fernando Stalla, Paul Jackson, Bicho Jimenez, Paolo Marconi, Chase Kosterlitz, Arthur Arutkin, a few names I’ve forgotten at this late hour, and then a couple of dozen European paddlers that would fancy their chances at upsetting a few of the big names.

On the women’s side I’d expect Lina Augaitis, Angie Jackson, Fiona Wylde, Sonni Honscheid and Celine Guesdon to be fighting for the podium, though we’ve got another half a dozen or so very determined ladies that will have something to say about that. Again, the key points will be on the beach run, where paddlers have to pick up their board and trek around 100m over to the next lake.

No matter what happens it should be an interesting battle – the stats geek in me can’t wait to see the results sheet. Look for said results to drop on Saturday afternoon. I may be a little late though, as I’m probably doing the race myself and will no doubt finish a good 20 minutes after the winner.

More to follow on Saturday…

DAY 1 UPDATE: Trevor Tunnington, Lina Augaitis Win “Fastest Paddler On Earth”

We’ve just wrapped up Day 1 of the 2015 Lost Mills, with Trevor Tunnington and Lina Augaitis drawing first blood in the “Fastest Paddler On Earth” time trial.

Trev was the quickest down the 200m, straight line, electronically-timed course here in the south of Germany, defeating Casper Steinfath, Jake Jensen, Connor Baxter and a host of other top ranked paddlers. Trevor Tunnington isn’t a name familiar to most paddling fans, however anyone following the sport closely would have noticed his rise through the ranks over the past year or two. Based in Queensland but hailing from New Zealand, the Starboard team rider definitely has a bright future ahead of him if he can keep up this sort of pace.

Trevor Tunnington at the Lost Mills

Trevor Tunnington won today’s “Fastest Paddler” race with a determined effort (photo: Surfstadl Ammersee – view full gallery)

As a big crowd of local holidaymakers built up on the shores of Lake Brombachsee – which has turned into a thriving beach despite being 1,000km from the ocean – the top 20 paddlers from the qualifying round went through to the final for a second run.

Casper looked set to take the crown, posting a quick time of 0:54.67 early in the final and then watching as paddlers narrowly missed his mark one by one. Jake Jensen came within a whisker, as did Connor Baxter, but nobody could match the Danish Viking. Then we had the final run of the day…

Qualifying second fastest in the morning heats, Trevor Tunnington lined up for the last run of the day. In the Fastest Paddler, competitors race parallel in pairs down the 200m course, which meant Trevor was matched with the fastest qualifier, Arthur Arutkin. Arthur faded on his final run, however Trev kept the pace going all the way to the line to claim victory by a solid 2 seconds. Might not sound like much, but that’s almost 5% faster than everyone else.

From my vantage point out in the water, I doubt Trevor reached a higher speed than Casper, Jake and Connor at any point along his run. However what he did do was keep the pace going right to the line. Many paddlers were fading over the final 50 metres, but Trev kept a quick pace all the way. For the record he was paddling the 14’x23″ Starboard Sprint.


Jake Jensen and Leonard Nika (photo: Surfstadl Ammersee – view the gallery on Facebook)

Meanwhile Lina’s victory, which came by just 2/10ths of a second over Angie Jackson, gives the SIC team rider back-to-back “Fastest Paddler” crowns, mirroring her efforts from Lost Mills 2014.

Lina looked strong all day, with the world number three comfortably beating her SIC team mate Sonni Honscheid in the morning heats before just pipping Angie’s time in the final. Just like Casper, Angie was sitting in the box seat until the last run of the day, where Lina paired with second-fastest Celine Guesdon (who ultimately finished 4th).

It’ll be very interesting to see these two go head to head in Saturday’s classic distance race, where they’ll no doubt start as two of the hot favourites (though I doubt Sonni will let them have it all their own way). This “Fastest Paddler” is a great warm-up, but Saturday is definitely the main event here at the Lost Mills.

Apart from these strong women, another fine performance today came from 3rd fastest Manca Notar.

It’s a small miracle that Manca was even able to reach the start line here at the Lost Mills. The young Naish team rider is in the middle of her final high school exams and wasn’t planning on racing for a couple of weeks. But at the last minute Manca’s competitive spirit got the best of her, and her family did a 10 hour round trip from Slovenia to Germany just for one day of racing. Minutes after the racing was done, Manca hopped back in the car, headed home, and prepared for two full days of exams. That’s commitment for you. Oh and I should also mention Manca was paddling a 12’6 against the 14 footers of everyone else…

Game face: Lina Augaitis overpowered her SIC team mate Sonni Honscheid in the morning qualifying heat (photo: Ernstfried Prade)

Game face: Lina Augaitis overpowered her SIC team mate Sonni Honscheid in the morning qualifying heat (photo: Ernstfried Prade)

After the 14 foot sprints, a few of the top paddlers jumped on the one design 12’6 time trial. None of the top guns were expected to do this race, but in a bizarre chain of last minute events, organisers waved 3,000 Euros in front of the paddlers, which motivated a few big names to have a crack (note to all race organisers: Be sure to clearly communicate your prize money breakdowns before events). In a winner takes all showdown, Jake Jensen snagged the 2,000 Euro prize by just 1/10th of a second from a bummed out Fernando Stalla, while Lina Augaitis picked up another 1,000 Euro to go with her earlier victory.

The 200m sprint format is interesting. Despite the short distance, many paddlers struggled to hold a sprint pace the entire length of the course. I should also note that not all the top paddlers raced today, with the likes of Chase Kosterlitz and Titouan Puyo sitting it out. Other top contenders for the distance event, including Tahiti’s raging bull Georges Cronsteadt, are only arriving tomorrow.

All in all it was a great start to the Week 3 of the Euro Tour, with glorious sunshine and a big local crowd cheering on the paddlers here in Bavaria. This event garnered a reputation for being wet and cold after a shocking storm engulfed the lake two years ago, however this year the weather has been epic. Looks like we’re set for more hot weather leading into the weekend, so it should be a great few days down here at Lake Brombachsee (here’s the Google Maps location in case you’re wondering where on earth we are).

Full results from the Fastest Paddler On Earth are below. Scroll down for our live blog, and check back in on Friday and Saturday for rolling updates…

MORE PHOTOS: Surfstadl Ammsersee has a great photo gallery up on Facebook

Top finishers from the men's and women's 'Fastest Paddler On Earth' race (photo: SUP Racer)

Top finishers from the men’s and women’s ‘Fastest Paddler On Earth’ race (photo: SUP Racer)

The Lost Mills: The Fastest Paddler On Earth

Course: 200m sprint
Conditions: Flat water
Points: Ranking points for the SUP Racer World Rankings (The Euro Tour only counts the distance race)
View the updated World Rankings

1Trevor Tunnington0:52.0233.50
2Casper Steinfath0:54.6725.13
3Jake Jensen0:54.8320.10
4Connor Baxter0:54.9316.75
5Paolo Marconi0:55.2614.24
6Kai-Nicolas Steimer0:55.4611.73
7Bicho Jimenez0:56.1310.05
8Paul Jackson0:56.278.38
9Leonard Nika0:56.537.54
10Peter Weidert0:56.796.70
11Eric Terrien0:57.746.03
12Tucker Ingalls0:57.755.36
13Arthur Arutkin0:58.915.03
14Fernando Stala0:59.174.69
15Peter Bartl0:59.244.36
16Carsten Kurmis1:01.254.02
17Stephan Stiefenhofer1:01.293.69
18Belar Diaz1:01.403.35
19Bart de Zwart1:03.193.02
20Michael Frosch1:04.552.68
21Ryan James1:05.412.51
22Paul Ganse1:05.442.35
23Pete Holliday1:05.732.18
24Steven Bredow1:05.732.01
25Martin Letourneur1:06.771.84
26Valentin Illichman1:06.951.74
27Ran Gaash1:08.391.64
28Nicola Masci1:09.551.54
29Endre Virag1:10.031.44
30Christopherh Parker1:10.071.34
31Martin Salmhofer1:10.131.27
32MacRae Wylde1:10.751.21
33Klaus Dedial1:11.851.14
34Armin Zeitler1:12.591.07
35Robin Ferchert1:13.111.01
36Christian Hahn1:13.340.94
37Dirk Worrmann1:13.450.87
38Fritz Rometsch1:13.650.80
39Rami Zur1:13.730.74
40Georg Schopf1:14.370.67
41John Fuglsang1:15.010.64
42Wolfgang Mayr1:15.620.60
43Gianmatteo Cau1:15.940.57
44Rachmann Djajakusuma1:20.130.54
45Thomas Schillig1:23.730.50
46Alexander Kirsch1:23.770.47
47Dirk Utecht1:25.630.44
48Edgar Fischer1:26.850.40
49Maximillian Appel1:32.480.37
1LIna Augaitis1:05.2731.00
2Angie Jackson1:05.8623.25
3Manca Notar1:07.4418.60
4Celine Guesdon1:08.7215.50
5Fiona Wylde1:09.1913.18
6Susanne Lier1:09.6110.85
7Shelby Taylor1:09.669.30
8Sonni Honscheid1:10.207.75
9Susak Molinero1:10.836.98
10Carol Scheunemann1:11.526.20