\ WATCH: Highlights From The ‘GlaGla’ Race – Cold Water Paddling In The French Alps – SUP Racer
February 6, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

WATCH: Highlights From The ‘GlaGla’ Race – Cold Water Paddling In The French Alps

Check out this cool edit from the recent GlaGla SUP Race in the Alps. The cold water event attracted over 100 paddlers to Lake Annecy, which is in the freezing cold but incredibly beautiful mountains of eastern France.

The term “GlaGla” is apparently derived from the sound your teeth make when they’re chattering in the cold. And the race certainly lived up to it’s name: Won by Dani Reinhart of Austria, top finishers in the 13km race had to stand on a podium covered in snow & ice. You’ll also notice that pretty much every paddler is wearing either a wetsuit or even a drysuit.

Yes, it was bloody cold.

The GlaGla race was the first event in the 2015 Alpine Lakes Tour, which, as the name quite obviousy suggests, is a series of stand up paddle races held in the scenic mountain lakes around France.

MORE >> 2014 GlaGla Race Results + Photos

Watch the clip above and then head on over to the SIC Showreel for more great stand up paddle videos.

The SIC SUP Showreel