\ Watch Connor Baxter Paddle Like A Maniac In Brazil… – SUP Racer
April 29, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Watch Connor Baxter Paddle Like A Maniac In Brazil…

Some great highlights out of the Ubatuba Grand Slam Sprint Racing that went down in Brazil on the weekend. If you’ve seen the results from the Stand Up World Series Brazil, you’ll know that Connor Baxter made it a clean sweep, taking out both the sprint and distance events. But the way in which he did it was pretty impressive…

We all know Connor Baxter is fast, but just look at the way he sprints clear of Kai Lenny and the rest of the field at the 2:57 mark. And that’s the end of the race, when by all rights he really should be tired. Apparently not. Thanks for making us all feel really slow Connor…