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Stand Up Paddle racing

March 16, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device] I had a chat with my fellow Paddle League co-founder Kelly Margetts yesterday to share why we’re so excited about season

March 14, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

In an surprise announcement that will probably come as no surprise to those who know her best, world number one Annabel Anderson has revealed she won't be defending her Carolina Cup title this year, opening up the women's field at one of the biggest races in the world as the New Zealander takes an indefinite hiatus to recover from injury

March 12, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device] James Casey isn’t just one of the world’s best ocean paddlers, the reigning OluKai champ and downwind master is also pret

March 10, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

There must be something in the water in New Caledonia. The small, semi-autonomous Pacific island nation with a population of just 278000 (98.85% smaller than Australia's) took home an incredible four of the top five men's spots in yesterda

March 10, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″](Watch on Facebook if the video fails to load) [/device] We had a quick chat with NSP/Quickblade team rider Titouan Puyo after his big win at t