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Stand Up Paddle racing

March 12, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device] James Casey isn’t just one of the world’s best ocean paddlers, the reigning OluKai champ and downwind master is also pret

March 10, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

There must be something in the water in New Caledonia. The small, semi-autonomous Pacific island nation with a population of just 278000 (98.85% smaller than Australia's) took home an incredible four of the top five men's spots in yesterda

March 10, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″](Watch on Facebook if the video fails to load) [/device] We had a quick chat with NSP/Quickblade team rider Titouan Puyo after his big win at t

March 7, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[notdevice][fbvideo link=”” width=”645″ height=”363″ onlyvideo=”1″][/notdevice][device][fbvideo link=”” width=”322″ height=”181″ onlyvideo=”1″][/device] How do you design a winning race board? Who’s going to win Molokai this year? And which one is better: Australian or French win