January 6, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Don’t Forget To Have Fun: Tandem Surfing On A Race Board

I think one of the funnest things you can do with a SUP race board doesn’t actually involve racing at all. It’s surfing. And it’s a hell of a lotta fun.

Surfing a SUP race board means you can sit way out wide on the points, where nobody else bothers to go. You can glide for hundreds of metres along swells that haven’t even broken. You can get onto waves that are impossible to catch on any normal sized board. Quite simply, you can have a hell of a lotta fun surfing your 12’6 or 14 footer (or even an unlimited, if you’re really adventurous).

But what’s more fun than surfing your SUP race board? TANDEM surfing your SUP race board!

This clip was featured over on the surfing hipsters’ news site, The Intertia, under the headline Why Being a “Surfer” Doesn’t Matter and Everyone Should Try Tandem Surfing at Least Once.

The clip (and that Inertia guest post) comes from Jon Locke, a local guy over here on Australia’s Gold Coast that clearly has his priorities in order. For the record, the board is a Lahui Kai Manta 12’6.

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