SIC Maui Announces ‘Grom Search’ To Find And Develop Tomorrow’s Champion Paddlers
Last week the crew at SIC annnounced a cool new initiative: The SIC Maui Grom Search.
Working with the Orange County-based Paddle Academy, SIC’s Grom Search will select one boy and one girl to join their Junior Development Team. The idea is to find two smart, focused, up-and-coming youngsters that wanna further develop their stand up paddling skills and get a glimpse into what being a pro SUP’er is all about.
The chosen two will get similar perks to the other SIC team riders and ambassadors, while also having the chance to train with SIC heroes including Georges Cronsteadt, Lina Augaitis, Sonni Hönscheid and Andrea Moller.
The search starts now and the basic criteria to get a spot is that you’re a) already a decent paddler but want to push yourself further and b) doing well in school.
Team SIC’s brand manager and the guy that competed in the BOP Open Race with broken ribs, Braly Joy, had this to say about the SIC Maui Grom Search:
“What’s really cool for these two athletes glimpse into their future.” adding that “It’s important for these Junior Athletes to become role models for the generations of young paddlers that follow in their footsteps.”
It’s cool to see one of the major race brands investing in the future of the stand up paddling. Pretty much every legit sport out there has some kind of youth development channel to promote the sport and help find tomorrow’s champions, so it’s great to see it happening in SUP as well.
We’ll find out which two lucky kids scored a spot on Team SIC by around April 2015…