October 14, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Kai Lenny And “That” Wave…

Kai Lenny: That event. That race. “That” wave…

As he rounded the final buoy and looked set to clinch the season-deciding race by a clean margin, the wave gods decided to throw one more obstacle at Kai Lenny.

A bomb set.

The wave of the day.

A wave designed for boards much shorter than 12 foot six inches. A wave that even the two-time SUP surfing World Champ couldn’t negotiate on his yellow, carbon-wrapped, Naish race board.

Kai went down, hard, and suddenly his race (and season) were in jeopardy. Which made it that much better for those of us watching…

The superstar recovered, somehow, and still crossed the line first, which gave him both the race and the 2013 title. But for those who didn’t see it in person or on the webcast, you can now check out “that” wave in all its glory, both in still shots and on film…

Kai Lenny Stand Up Paddle wipeout

Kai attempts to run to the finish line… (photo © by the excellent StandUpMagazin.com)

SUP World Series Turtle Bay Hawaii (3)

The exact same moment captured from the water… (© Waterman League) — CLICK TO ENLARGE

Kai Lenny in Hawaii

Frame grab from the video below showing the moment Kai lost it…

…and the video footage. The overhead view is at the 28 second mark and the front-on clip is at 1:43.


19 Awesome Photos From The World Series Finals
– Stand Up World Series Finals: Results & Recap