February 6, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Dave Kalama Talks The New Quickblade V-Drive Paddle (And Reminds Us All To Have Fun)

Another short little vid has just been released talking up the new Quickblade V-Drive, the kinda strange but very cool new SUP paddle that we reviewed last month.

The vid features Dave Kalama, who came up with the idea for the V-Drive paddle and it’s weird-looking, yet surprisingly effective double dihedral blade. The clip focuses on Dave’s inspiration for creating the new design and his philosophy on life in general – a philosophy we should probably all remind ourselves about on a regular basis.

It seems Dave’s approach is to simply “have fun” (which is also part of the Quickblade motto that I like to follow myself). Whether it be surfing, SUP’ing or designing paddles, doing something that’s fun and creating something great seems to be what drives guys like Dave.

So watch the clip above and get an insight into what makes one of the pioneers of our sport tick, as well as a closer look at one of the coolest new designs on the market. But no matter what logo is on your SUP paddle, always remember to have fun…

Dave Kalama SUP Santa Claus