Have You Checked Out SUPstagram Yet?
Have you checked out SUP-stagram yet?
Instagram + SUP racers = SUP-stagram
It shows a live stream of photos posted by the world’s best stand up paddle racers. Everyone from Jamie Mitchell and Chuck Patterson to Jenny Kalmbach and Gillian Gibree.
In case you somehow haven’t heard of it, Instagram is an awesome photo-sharing app on iPhone/Android. It’s like Twitter, but for pics (though now it’s more famous for being “that company that Facebook paid a billion dollars for”).
You take a photo with the app, add a cool little hipster-arty effect to it, and post it for the world to see.
But if you don’t have Instagram (or even if you do) it can be pretty hard to know how to keep up with the right people (and the photos they post).
So we’ve done all the hard work for you: We’ve uncovered all of your favourite stand up paddle racers that are using Instagram and put them (and their photos) in the one spot.
So now you can easily get a sneak peek into the world of your favourite stand up paddle race pro. Everything from epic action paddling shots to everyday life… It’s like stalking, but with photos!
>>> check it out @ www.SUPracer.com/instagram
And if you’re using Instagram yourself, be sure to follow SUPracer as well (@supracer).