The Doors: Is Riviera Crazy, Genius, Or Just Having Fun?
Because who doesn’t love a bit of novelty…
Take a look at “The Door” from Riviera Paddlesurf, perhaps the strangest looking SUP race board you’re ever going to see. The Door has almost exactly the same nose as it does tail. And both ends are very square.
Not your typical race board design…
There were a few SUP surfboard versions of “The Door” floating round Riviera’s Outdoor Retailer booth last week (getting plenty of attention), but this is the first we’ve seen of “The Door” SUP race board.
It looks weird, but that’s probably half the point: it very unique and gets your attention (though we have seen something similar in the Nah Skwell Scow that popped up in France last year).
But will Riviera’s “Door” SUP board actually work? I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough, though Riviera aren’t taking themselves too seriously, tagging their Instagram pics with #whatsthepoint and #thinkinsidethebox.
No matter how these boards perform though, one things already certain: These boards get noticed.