\ Cold Water SUP Racing: More Great Action Outta France – SUP Racer
February 20, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Cold Water SUP Racing: More Great Action Outta France

I love the French. No matter how cold or inconvenient the weather is, they’re always up for a SUP race. This is highlighted perfectly by the Swell Beach Race Series, a monthly race tour that’s held in the province of Brittany and predominantly run in winter.

Last weekend saw the third stop of the 2014 Swell Beach Race Series, which was won by young gun Arthur Daniel (while fellow whipper-snapper Martin Letourneur came home 2nd). However the video above is a throwback to January’s race, where Series founder Greg Closier showed the kids how it’s done and took home the win.

Despite the chilly conditions (everyone was paddling in wetsuits…) the event got a solid turnout of close to 50 competitors. And, as always with the Swell Beach Race Series, there was some great media coming out of the event. Check out the 14 minute highlights reel above to see what hardcore dedication looks like.

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