\ Magallanes Paddle Challenge Promo Vid: Coolest Race Of The Year? (No Pun Intended…) – SUP Racer
March 9, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Magallanes Paddle Challenge Promo Vid: Coolest Race Of The Year? (No Pun Intended…)

Watch this teaser vid for what is set to be one of the coolest SUP races of the year (no pun intended…). The 2013 Magallanes Paddle Challenge is happening next week in the wild Southern region of Chile, on a lake that’s filled with icebergs and surrounded by crazy mountains.

It’s not the first place that comes to mind when you think SUP racing, but it’s definitely going to provide a dramatic backdrop for some of the world’s fastest paddlers…

The event is happening from the 14th to 17th of March and will count as the season opener for the 2013 Stand Up World Series. The likes of Kai Lenny, Connor Baxter and new ISA World Champion Casper Steinfath will be making the trek down to Chile for the event, so expect a very solid level of competition in the icey waters of Patagonia.

We’ll keep you updated with all the results, photos and videos when the racing kicks off next week, but in the meantime enjoy the teaser vid below…