\ Travis Grant On Technique, Training And The New Trifecta Paddle – SUP Racer
February 21, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Travis Grant On Technique, Training And The New Trifecta Paddle

Check out this great interview with reigning Molokai and BOP champ Travis Grant. The full length clip is a little longer than what we’re used to, but it’s packed so full of great insights that I bet you’ll watch it right through. The reel includes everything from technique and training to Travis’ thoughts on paddle design and his plans for the future.

I’ve long said that Travis is the single most under rated paddler in the world: For someone who’s won just about every major race, Trav still flies under the radar. That might change now that he’s got a signature paddle on the market though. The Trifecta by Quickblade is a paddle the Aussie not only used to claim his two major victories last year (Molokai and the BOP Distance Race) but also one he personally helped design.

The name “Trifecta” comes from Travis’ trio of trophies: Molokai 2 Oahu, Battle of the Paddle and Gold at the ISA Worlds (he’s the only paddler to claim this trifecta of wins).

Blue Planet Surf posted this interview with the Aussie-turned-Hawaiian-local last week. As you can see, Trav is not only an exceptional paddler but also a great ambassador for our sport in general.