January 25, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

With Sean Poynter First Up, Starboard Launches Its ‘Team Tiki Talks’

Sean Poynter stand up paddling

Starboard, probably the world’s strongest and most elite stand up paddling team, have just launched a new series: Team Tiki Talks. It’s basically an interview with one of their team riders each month. And first up is Sean Poynter.

Although Poynter is a SUP surfer by trade – having claimed several high profile wins including an ISA gold medal – he’s also a very handy racer. Sean Poynter is also one of the sharpest guys in the elite world of stand up paddling, so it’s always good to hear his insights (see this recent interview for another example).

This Team Tiki Talks interview, which came out last week, covers everything from training strategies to what it’s like being a pro. It’s a pretty good interview, even better when you consider it’s basically a team rider being interviewed by his main sponsor. Starboard seemingly resisted the urge to ask fluffy questions like “What’s your favourite Starboard model?!” and actually made it quite worthwhile.

Anyway the guys from SUP Boarder Mag picked this up and ran with it first, so instead of re-posting the whole interview I’ll let you read it over there (and check out the rest of the site while you’re at it, those UK boys do a great job).

Starboard plan to release a new Tiki Talk each month and hopefully they’ll keep digging and making them quite interesting, so keep an eye out for more in the near future.