\ This Guy’s Inspiring Body Transformation Will Remind You Just How Good of a Workout Stand Up Paddling Really Is – SUP Racer
March 14, 2016
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

This Guy’s Inspiring Body Transformation Will Remind You Just How Good of a Workout Stand Up Paddling Really Is

Dyllan Constable's SUP body transformation[notdevice] [/notdevice]
In case you needed any reminding that stand up paddling is an amazing workout, take a look at this guy’s inspiring body transformation.

Two years ago, Dyllan Constable from Australia had never set foot on a paddle board. He was out of shape, overweight and had zero paddling experience. Fast forward 24 months and Dyllan is not only in amazing shape, he’s also mighty fast on a race board.

Thanks to the regular training sessions with his local SUP club, the Sunshine Coast paddler has lost 14kgs (30 pounds) while packing on the muscles — Dyllan’s body fat has dropped form 22% right down to about 8%.

I met Dyllan for the first time up at the Noosa Festival of Surfing last week (where he finished top 10 against a very solid field I might add). He seemed like just another one of the dozens of local guys up there who’ve spent their whole life in the ocean paddling and surfing; I never would have guessed he’d only been on the water for two years.

A few days later I saw the photos above on Instagram, so I messaged Dyllan and asked him for some insights into his SUP body transformation.

Perhaps keep this story in mind whenever you’re feeling a little sluggish or down on energy, because as Dyllan says: He hasn’t even been “working out” all this time, he’s simply found something he loves doing…

“Without wanting it to sound like too much of a cliché, SUP really has changed my life. I don’t have any sporting background at all, and I’ve lived most of my adult life always a bit overweight. However when I moved to the Sunshine Coast two years ago, I joined the local SUP club and for some reason it just clicked for me.

At first I just loved the feeling of ‘walking on water’. For the first three months I borrowed one of the clubs inflatable boards and couldn’t even keep up with any of the beginner girls, let alone the guys that were seriously into the racing. But it was always fun and I kept coming back for more.

Up until three weeks ago when Luke from Ocean Addicts took me on and I got my hands on a new Fanatic, I’d been riding an old second-hand board that I’d kept repairing and modifying on my own. I spent the first year paddling in the flat, before last year I ventured out into the ocean. At first it felt like I was starting from the beginning again, but now I’m feeling more comfortable and really love downwinding, as well as racing in the BOP style events like we had at the Noosa Festival of Surfing.

As far as changing the way I look, I’d say it’s simply been the byproduct of finding something I love to do. I started off at about 89kgs (197lbs) and now hover around 75-77kgs (167lbs). My BMI has dropped from around 22% to just under 8% over the past two years. I celebrated my 36th birthday on the weekend.

It’s not just the paddling, my whole outlook on health has changed. One of our fellow paddlers up here, Paul Cribb, showed me how important good nutrition is. No fancy potions, just how to eat the right food at the right time. I’ve also been lucky to be surrounded by an amazing community of paddlers here on the Sunshine Coast, with everyone encouraging each other to get fitter and faster while having fun.

But most of all it’s my wife Megan who has been an amazing supporter. We just celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary, and without a doubt the past year or two has been the best!”

stand up paddle fitness

stand up paddle race training