\ Slater Trout vs. Kai Lenny: The Battle To Become The King Of Instagram – SUP Racer
November 20, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Slater Trout vs. Kai Lenny: The Battle To Become The King Of Instagram

Kai Lenny vs Slater Trout on Instagram

It’s ON!

Kai Lenny vs Slater Trout: Who will get to 60,000 Instagram followers first?

Who’s your tip to win? And is this the most important SUP race of the year?! I think so…

There’s so much at stake: Pride. Glory. Hash tags. The fleeting attention of thousands of iPhone-wielding teenage girls. It’s all or nothing.

Forget the Battle of the Paddle. Forget Molokai. Forget the SUP Awards. This is the real race right here and there can only be one winner – one true king of the Insta-SUP world.

But who’s going to claim the crown?

Will Kai’s endless loop of him surfing Jaws win the fight? Or will Slater’s geometrically-perfect sunsets, hipster beach boy outfits and GoPro selfies steal the throne?

It’s a duel of epic proportions. And as I speak, the race is reaching its crescendo:

54,823 to 54,886

Yes, that’s right, there are only 63 votes in it.

The race is neck-and-neck. It could go either way. It’s all going to come down to the last buoy turn, the last little bump, that one last sprint up the beach to the line.

It couldn’t get any closer, it couldn’t get any more exciting, it couldn’t get any more epic than this.

So follow @slatertrout and @kai_lenny to watch this historic clash of the titans as it unfolds.

(yeah… slow news day)