\ Paul Jackson’s Gale Force Aussie Downwinder – SUP Racer
July 3, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Paul Jackson’s Gale Force Aussie Downwinder

Check out the downwind antics of Fanatic International team rider and full-time SUP globetrotter Paul Jackson, who enjoyed some epic conditions at home in Australia a few days ago.

Jacko and his training mates scored a solid downwinder that started in Northern New South Wales and finished over the border in Queensland. The winds were firing and there was plenty of swell, making for some super long bumps plus a fair bit of carnage (especially trying to get out…).

Check out the endless runner at the 1 minute 30 second mark and the rogue swell at 2:20. Fun times!

Jacko summed up the session like this:

“Some good fun in funky conditions! I got smashed right at the start and then got hammered again by a rouge set when we were halfway through (and 2km off the coast…). That was followed by some insane heavy rain and crazy winds that nearly blew us right past our finish point!! Hope you enjoy this quick vid of the fun we had!”

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