New decade, new SUP Racer (testing out a few new things)
SUP Racer turned 10 years old in December, and in that decade I’ve posted almost 3,000 articles here on the blog.
Despite Instagram and Facebook growing and taking over news feeds from traditional websites, I feel like this blog still is (or still should be) the heart of SUP Racer. I used to pride myself in posting at least seven times a week. But that was a long time ago. This blog has laid dormant for too long. There are scores of draft posts half-written and long-forgotten on the back-end of SUP Racer.
So to keep me motivated for the next decade (or perhaps “next 12 months” is a more realistic goal), I’m going to experiment with a few new features including pre-announcing feature articles. If you’re a regular reader of the blog you’ll start to see headlines that have no story attached.
I figure if I post a headline and say when the article is being released (generally a few days later), it’ll motivate me a lot more to get it published rather than sitting on a draft for weeks or months.
Here’s to the next decade of paddling news, insights and opinion.