\ Lunch With Jimmy: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds …And Funky Gym Moves – SUP Racer
May 15, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Lunch With Jimmy: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds …And Funky Gym Moves

Go behind the scenes at Team Quickblade HQ with the Candice Appleby, Anthony Vela, Riggs Napoleon and the Mad Scientist himself, Jim Terrell.

There’s not a single scene where they’re actually paddling, but it’s always interesting to see what the stars of SUP racing get up to behind the scenes. This was actually supposed to be a technical chat with Candice and Anthony about the sport, but it quickly turned into a random discussion of healthy bodies, minds, and funky gym movies.

So whilst all the talk of healthy eating and higher level stuff is interesting, my favourite moment is definitely Jim’s air-stair pull-ups at the 2:10 mark.