May 26, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Europe, Day 4: Awesome Race

Day 4 of the European SUP Racing Tour presented by NSP was a lot more fun than Day 3. No waiting around until 6.30pm to race and no crazy apocalyptic winds coming down off the alps. The SUP Race Cup is split into two races, just like the BoP; a short, technical course race (which they call a ‘Beach Race’ over here) and then a long ass Distance Race.

Today’s Distance Race was a lotta fun and featured all kinds of conditions; flat water, headwind, downwind and sidewind. The wind wasn’t howling like it was yesterday though, so it was pretty manageable.

After Connor gave everything to lead from start to finish in the Beach Race, it was always going to be interesting to see if he could back it up.

I was well back in the field but had an eye on the lead group as they rounded the halfway mark and came back towards us. Just like yesterday it was Connor and Travis out front, though by the time they hit the line the result was reversed, with Trav claiming a memorable win and also making up enough time to snag the overall SUP Race Cup “International Mediterranean Trophy”.

Connor came very close to the clean sweep, but I was stoked to see Trav come away with the win. The guy is I reckon the most under rated paddler in the world, but hopefully this year people will finally realise he belongs right next to guys like Danny and Connor.

So that’s the 2013 SUP Race Cup done and dusted. One last round of bread and wine and then we’re off to Germany for the big Lost Mills race…

European SUP Racing Tour presented by NSP