\ WATCH Danny Ching Set A New World Record: 200 Metres In Just 47 Seconds – SUP Racer
June 23, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

WATCH Danny Ching Set A New World Record: 200 Metres In Just 47 Seconds

Remember how Danny Ching blitzed an all-star field to win the Lost Mills time trial in Germany last week? Well here’s the video.

Thanks to the German SUP Mag, you can now watch Danny’s crazy performance as he sprints like a man possessed across the 200 metre “Fastest Paddler On Earth” time trial race course, setting what is surely a new world record in the process.

Despite the event featuring over a dozen of the world’s fastest guys, Danny crushed the Lost Mills time trial. The 404 front man averaged over 15km/h to stop the clock at 47.60 seconds, almost three seconds ahead of defending champ Connor Baxter (who himself produced what would have probably otherwise been a record).

While there are no official records in this sport, 47.60 seconds is surely the fastest ever 200 metre, flat water sprint time. I’ve never even seen a stand up paddler break 50 seconds before this.

The only caveat is that the “Fastest Paddler On Earth” uses a rolling start (the paddler takes a couple of strokes before passing through the start gate that sets off the clock), whereas most other 200m races use a standing start (the paddler isn’t moving when the clock starts). This definitely gives a slight advantage but how much is unknown (my guess would be 1 second, maybe 2 at most).

Either way it’s a crazy performance and I think the video above highlights it pretty well. Danny Ching is still clearly the man to beat.

Danny Ching Stand Up Paddle speed

Here’s a reverse angle look at Danny during his time trial run… (Photo credit: Peter Steinfath)

Just for the record, here are the top 10 times from this year’s race:

1st Danny Ching: 47.60
2nd Connor Baxter: 50.26
3rd Beau O’Brian: 50.70
4th Trevor Tunnington: 51.01
5th Jake Jensen: 51.27
6th Casper Steinfath: 51.30
7th Zane Schweitzer: 51.42
8th Kai-Nicolas Steimer: 51.75
9th Leonard Nika: 52.27
10th Peter Weidert: 53.23

Meanwhile the top women weren’t far behind:

1st Lina Augaitis: 0:59.90
2nd Angie Jackson: 1:00:60
3rd Manca Notar: 1:00:90
4th Sonni Hönscheid: 1:02:35
5th Noelani Sach: 1:05:00

And for my fellow stat nerds, here’s the breakdown of Danny’s time trial:

– AVERAGE SPEED: 15.126 km/h (9.34 mph)

– CADENCE: 94 strokes per minute

– BOARD CHOICE: All competitors were using 14 footers for the time trial. Danny was using a 14′ x 24″ race board from his own company, 404.

– Danny’s run clearly favours his left side, where he took 77% of his strokes. That’s interesting because outrigger paddlers (Danny’s original sport) naturally favour their left side due to the ama being on the left (the ama is that little stabilising arm attached to the side of the canoe).

– paddles 41 strokes on his left
– changes sides
– paddles 18 strokes on his right
– changes sides
– paddles 19 strokes on his left
– A couple of those strokes were taken before the 200m gate started (the “Fastest Paddler” uses a rolling start) and maybe one was taken after. So I’d say Danny took 75 strokes during the 47 seconds. Expand that out to a full minute and he’s averaging 94 strokes-per minute. That’s a hell of a cadence.

The Lost Mills marked week #6 of the Euro Tour. It was Europe’s premiere SUP race, but the summer racing season is still in full swing with plenty more big races to come in France, Italy, Germany and beyond. We’ll keep you posted with all things Europe on our NSP Euro Tour mini site:

NSP Euro Tour