\ SUP Racer



Join the “Club” and help support the creative work of SUP Racer

Are you enjoying the daily quarantine podcasts?

If you’d like to support Paddlecast and everything else I share with the paddling community, I’m inviting you to join a special members-only “club” to help fund SUP Racer’s creative work.

It’s my passion and mission to help connect, inform and inspire the global paddling community. From the daily podcasts to the live streams to the unified world rankings, news, insights and analysis, I’m obsessed with stand up paddling. And I love to share these stories, statistics and stoke with all of you in the community.

Over the past nine years, SUP Racer has become (more than) a full-time job for me. But even before the pandemic, this was a difficult industry to raise funding in. Brands have given me tremendous support over the years, but we can no longer lean on them, especially not in these times. And without any events happening, the remainder of SUP Racer’s revenue (event promotion and live streams) has completely evaporated.

But I’m committed to giving back to the SUP community no matter what’s happening in the world, and I’m committed to finding a creative way to help fund the projects that I build and share.

That’s where “Patreon” comes in. It’s a new platform that artists are using to connect directly with their audience and fund their work (I use the term “artist” very loosely when referring to myself, but I digress…).

For as little as a dollar a week, you can pledge and become a monthly supporter via Patreon.

You can directly support SUP Racer’s mission of connecting, informing and inspiring the community, and you can ensure I can continue creating and sharing these daily podcasts, live streams, rankings and news — just as I have for the past nine years.

I also want to give you some perks for your patronage and make this club a fun place to be.

So I’m going to bribe you to join…


• Club SUP Racer members can submit an AMA (“Ask Me Anything“) to every upcoming Paddlecast guest. Annabel Anderson is on the show next? Let me know anything you’ve wanted her to talk about and we’ll discuss it on the next show.

• 24-hour early access to every episode of Paddlecast — you’ll be the very first to hear each of these daily quarantine podcasts.

• You’ll get tickets for the monthly “SUP Racer Sweepstakes” where I’ll give away some cool prizes from some of your favourite brands including Quickblade (in the first month, I’ll be giving out $1000 worth of “Quick-bucks” discount coupons).

• I’ll also be working on a few other projects to help keep the Club fun, and to give back more to the SUP community. That includes the new “Marble Racer” series that members will get a special invite to compete in 😉

I’m excited to launch this club — hopefully this will be a fun new chapter of SUP Racer and an effective way not only to fund my creative work but also motivate me to keep giving back to this great community of ours.

– chris


P.S. I’ve created three tiers for you to choose from…

• The “metric fan” is for anyone that measures their race board in metres and would like to pledge $4.26 to support SUP Racer each month. You’ll get 1x lottery ticket per month.

• The “12’6 fan” is for anyone that refuses to give up on their old 12’6 race board and wants to pledge $12.60 per month. You’ll get 5x lottery tickets per month.

• The “14ft Super Fan” is for those who prefer the 14ft standard and would like to generously support SUP Racer with $14 per month. You’ll get 10x lottery tickets per month.

Click here to choose your tier on Patreon




Join the “Club” and help support the creative work of SUP Racer

Are you enjoying the daily quarantine podcasts?

If you’d like to support Paddlecast and everything else I share with the paddling community, I’m inviting you to join a special members-only “club” to help fund SUP Racer’s creative work.

It’s my passion and mission to help connect, inform and inspire the global paddling community. From the daily podcasts to the live streams to the unified world rankings, news, insights and analysis, I’m obsessed with stand up paddling. And I love to share these stories, statistics and stoke with all of you in the community.

Over the past nine years, SUP Racer has become (more than) a full-time job for me. But even before the pandemic, this was a difficult industry to raise funding in. Brands have given me tremendous support over the years, but we can no longer lean on them, especially not in these times. And without any events happening, the remainder of SUP Racer’s revenue (event promotion and live streams) has completely evaporated.

But I’m committed to giving back to the SUP community no matter what’s happening in the world, and I’m committed to finding a creative way to help fund the projects that I build and share.

That’s where “Patreon” comes in. It’s a new platform that artists are using to connect directly with their audience and fund their work (I use the term “artist” very loosely when referring to myself, but I digress…).

For as little as a dollar a week, you can pledge and become a monthly supporter via Patreon.

You can directly support SUP Racer’s mission of connecting, informing and inspiring the community, and you can ensure I can continue creating and sharing these daily podcasts, live streams, rankings and news — just as I have for the past nine years.

I also want to give you some perks for your patronage and make this club a fun place to be.

So I’m going to bribe you to join…


• Members will get 24-hour early access to every episode of Paddlecast. You’ll be the first to hear each of these daily quarantine podcasts.

• You’ll get tickets for the monthly “SUP Racer Sweepstakes” where I’ll give away some cool prizes from some of your favourite brands including Quickblade (in the first month, I’ll be giving out $1000 worth of “Quick-bucks” discount coupons).

• I’ll also be working on a few other projects to help keep the Club fun, and to give back more to the SUP community. That includes the new “Marble Racer” series that members will get a special invite to compete in 😉

I’m excited to launch this club — hopefully this will be a fun new chapter of SUP Racer and an effective way not only to fund my creative work but also motivate me to keep giving back to this great community of ours.

– chris


P.S. I’ve created three tiers for you to choose from…

• The “metric fan” is for anyone that measures their race board in metres and would like to pledge $4.26 to support SUP Racer each month. You’ll get 1x lottery ticket per month.

• The “12’6 fan” is for anyone that refuses to give up on their old 12’6 race board and wants to pledge $12.60 per month. You’ll get 5x lottery tickets per month.

• The “14ft Super Fan” is for those who prefer the 14ft standard and would like to generously support SUP Racer with $14 per month. You’ll get 10x lottery tickets per month.

Click here to choose your tier on Patreon

