So Who Else Wants To Go Paddle In Mauritius Right Now?
Watch this great short film about paddling in Mauritius. The dialogue is all in French and I really have no idea what they’re saying, but it certainly looks good. CHALLENGERS* is a SUP movie that follows French Stand Up Paddlers Olivia Piana and Raphael Filippi through what looks to be a pretty comfortable stay on the island of Mauritius.
Olivia is well known on the European SUP Racing circuit, going through 2012 virtually unbeaten before making a splash in some of the bigger international races. This film isn’t all about SUP racing, but it sure is a slick little production. There’s great footage of paddling around the island and there’s even some race action in there from the Mauritius Stand Up Paddle Challenge.
Plus it doesn’t really hurt to look at Olivia Piana for 10 minutes…