\ [VIDEOS] Relive Every Single Battle Of The Paddle Elite Race – SUP Racer
September 26, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

[VIDEOS] Relive Every Single Battle Of The Paddle Elite Race

Check it out: Video footage of the Elite Race from every single Battle of the Paddle.

We’re just a few days away from the 5th Annual Rainbow Sandals Battle of the Paddle, so we figured it’s as good a time as any to look back at the action from the past few years. Even though this is only the 5th year of the BoP, there’s actually been six Battles already (4x in California and 2x in Hawaii).

There’s everything from the first ever Elite Race back in 2008 (when half the field weren’t even paddling race boards) right through to the complete coverage of the 2011 event. If you’ve got a solid hour or two to kill check out all the action below… and of course keep following SUPracer.com all this weekend for LIVE coverage of the 2012 Battle of the Paddle.


2008, California

Men’s Elite Race Winner: Chuck Patterson
Women’s Elite Race Winner: Jenny Kalmbach
(skip to 1:45 to watch the Elite Race)

2009, California

Jamie Mitchell and Shakira Westdorp

2010, Hawaii

Danny Ching and Candice Appleby
(skip to 1:25 to watch the Elite Race) 

2010, California

Danny Ching and Candice Appleby

2011, Hawaii

Travis Grant and Candice Appleby

2011, California

Connor Baxter and Candice Appleby
(skip to 25:50 to watch the Elite Race)