\ Another Epic Battle of the Paddle Photo – SUP Racer
August 29, 2012
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Another Epic Battle of the Paddle Photo

We’re getting so amped for the 2012 Battle of the Paddle that we might just have to make this a new daily feature.

“Battle Pic of the Day”

Yeah, it’s probably going to involve 90% chaotic buoy turns. But then again, that’s what everyone loves about this SUP race, right? 😉

Today’s pic is from the Elite Race final at the 2011 Battle of the Paddle California. The leaders had only just gone past at this point, so there’s still plenty of big names in that pic if you look close enough (the guys on the far right are sitting in about 7th or 8th spot).

Just a few of the pros that are in there amongst all the chaos: Zane Schweitzer, Jim Terrell, Paul Jackson, Matt Becker, Fernando Steller, Andrew Logreco, Dan Gavere, Noa Ginella… can you pick ’em out?

That’s SUP’s very own wild man, Zane Schweitzer, about to go over the wave shirtless. I still remember seeing one of the officials make Zane put his shirt back on during the run leg 😉

Bit of trivia for you, this shot was snapped half a second before that classic Battle of the Paddle photo we posted last month.


The ding repair shops must love the Battle of the Paddle… // pic © Harry Wiewel/tmmaui.com