January 20, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)
35 Minute Film Shows Tahiti’s ‘IRONMANA’ Paddling Adventure In All Its Torturous Glory
If you want an insight into just how crazy/awesome the IRONMANA race/adventure/week in paradise really is, watch this half hour film from last month’s epic event on Bora Bora.
IF you’ve been following our coverage of IRONMANA, you’ll know this event is something very unique. The Ironmana is part ocean voyage, part SUP race, part prone race, part swimming race, part torture chamber, part holiday on the paradisaical island getaway of Bora Bora, Tahiti.
The Ironmana is unlike anything else in the world of paddling and now, thanks to this very in-depth, full length feature, you can see for yourself what it’s all about.