\ The Gorge Live Stream REPLAY – SUP Racer
August 17, 2018
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

The Gorge Live Stream REPLAY

REPLAY: Gorge Paddle Challenge "Hot Lap" Elite Race

FULL REPLAY of the "Hot Lap" Elite Race finals on Day 2 of the Naish Columbia Gorge Paddle Challenge. Thanks for watching, and thanks to everyone for a great weekend in Hood River, Oregon!

(skip to 1 hr 21 minutes for Titouan Puyo's "Pied Piper" move!)

Posted by The Paddle League on Sunday, August 19, 2018

Click here for replays of Saturday’s live stream (note: due to patchy internet, Saturday’s Double Downwinder live stream kept cutting out — Sunday’s Hot Lap live stream was a lot better quality).