July 5, 2015
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

WATCH: A Stand Up Paddle Race Story (Chase Kosterlitz’s “Race The Lake of the Sky” Edit)

Now here’s a different race recap video for you. Watch Chase Kosterlitz tell the story of his weekend up at Race The Lake of the Sky, his last race before wife Sarah gives birth to their first child (and one he performed pretty solidly in).

This isn’t your standard, full-of-action-shots kind of edit. It’s more of the story behind the race, which definitely makes it a little unique. But everyone always sees what happens on the water anyway, so I think it’s cool to look behind the scenes and get some insights from one of the best.

The BIC team rider had a pretty solid day up at the Lake on Sunday, pulling the main draft train for much of the 14.4 mile distance course before claiming third right behind ageless warrior Kelly Margetts (and not too far off Danny Ching’s winning pace).

Watch above and follow Chase on Facebook and Insta to see how he handles an elite SUP racing career + parenthood in the coming months. You can also get the full Race The Lake of the Sky results in the recap we posted last week.

p.s. That shot at the 1 minute 25 second mark… how much water has Lake Tahoe lost?!