\ Sonni Hönscheid, Andrew Logreco Win The ‘Na Pali Race’ As Downwind Month Comes To A Close – SUP Racer
August 3, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Sonni Hönscheid, Andrew Logreco Win The ‘Na Pali Race’ As Downwind Month Comes To A Close

Na Pali Race stand up paddle kauai

Here are the full results from the 2014 Na Pali Paddleboard Race, which is held on perhaps the most beautiful race course in the world: Kauai’s Na Pali Coast.

After his podium finish in the stock class at Molokai last weekend, Andrew Logreco backed up with the overall line honours today. Logreco crossed in a time of 3 hours, 12 minutes, highlighting just how long this race is.

Coming home second was Kiwi Armie Armstrong, who has been supremely impressive in Hawaii the past few weeks (Armie picked up a top 10 finish at M2O last weekend and nailed 2nd in the “Victory At Sea” Maliko race). Thomas Maximus came home third while fourth was Sonni Hönscheid; the German showing her Molokai win was no fluke by defeating not only all the women but almost all of the men as well.

Behind Sonni in the women’s division was New Zealand’s Pea Strickland, who was the surprise packet last weekend at Molokai 2 Oahu, finishing third in one of the year’s most prestigious races.

Apparently the first 4 or 5 miles of today’s race offered up some great downwind conditions, as competitors paddled along the world famous cliffs and mountains of Kauai’s north west coast. However it sounds like the second half of the race turned into an upwind grind… The entire course is 17 miles (27 kms) and some paddlers were out there for more than six hours. It was definitely a long day on the water. Fortunately the scenic view would have kept paddlers entertained as they battled the headwinds over the final 10-12 miles.


There were close to 150 paddlers out there today, around half of which were on stand up paddleboards (there were also plenty of outrigger, surf ski and prone paddlers). Every one of them would have gotten a priceless view as they raced along the Na Pali Coast, which, as you can see from the photo up top, is pretty darn breathtaking.

The Na Pali Race also marks the official end of SIC Downwind Month, our celebration of Hawaii’s downwind culture. It’s been a big month, from the battle across the channel between Maui and Molokai, to that crazy Victory At Sea Maliko race, to the headline act: Molokai 2 Oahu.

Relive all the glides and glory from Downwind Month with our special feature site: SUPracer.com/downwind

Anyway here are the full results (thanks to the organisers for releasing them so quickly). Check back soon for more pics of the action.


2014 Na Pali Paddleboard Race RESULTS

Click “M/F” to switch between Men’s and Women’s Results
Click “Time” to reset the results
#M/FM/F #NameCategoryTime
1M1Andrew LogrecoSUP Stock 14 18-293:12:25
2M2Armie ArmstrongSUP Stock 14 40-493:17:38
3M3Thomas MaximusSUP Stock 14 40-493:30:56
4F1Sonni HoenscheidSUP Unlimited 30-393:32:00
5M4Belar DiazSUP Stock 14 30-393:37:39
6M5Kaeo AbbySUP Stock 14 18-293:38:33
7F2Penelope StricklandSUP Stock 14 40-493:39:06
8M6Thomas GallagherSUP Unlimited 50+3:45:27
9M7Yatagama Lokuge KrishanSUP Stock 14 30-393:48:09
10M8Tyrus SialeSUP Stock 143:57:12
11M9Jeff ChangSUP Stock 14 50+3:58:23
12M10Daniel RussellSUP Stock 14 U183:59:45
13M11William RichSUP Stock 14 30-394:00:47
14M12Tim WyersSUP Unlimited 30-394:02:27
15Team1TEAM: Quereto/Luoma/NakazawaThree Team Mixed SUP4:03:55
16M13Nainoa CiottiSUP4:04:33
17M14Kainoa LumSUP Stock 14 18-294:06:51
18Team2TEAM: Enoka/Joaquin/CabralThree Team Mixed SUP4:08:43
19M15Roland GrahamSUP Stock 14 40-494:09:02
20Team3TEAM: Rodger/Bubnis/KawaihalauThree Team Mixed SUP4:10:35
21M16Aarons IronsSUP Stock 14 30-394:11:39
22M17Nick MarvinSUP Unlimited 50+4:13:31
23M18Nick ScheelSUP Stock 14 U184:13:59
24Team4TEAM: LaughlinThree Team Mixed SUP4:17:40
25M19Derek MooreSUP Under 12'6'' 40-494:20:16
26M20Shawn ShamlouSUP Unlimited 40-494:23:20
27M21Eugene AnchuetaSUP Under 12'6'' 40-494:25:38
28Team5TEAM: Valiere/KennellyThree Team Mixed SUP4:25:58
29M22Brad RamboSUP Stock 14 50+4:26:10
30F3Laura BirseSUP Stock 14 30-394:26:43
31M23Aamion GoodwinSUP Under 12'6'' 30-394:29:55
32M24Terry StevensSUP Stock 14 40-494:34:42
33M25Kawika CarvalhoSUP Unlimited 50+4:39:04
34M26Jeremy LloydSUP Stock 14 40-494:40:10
35M27Mark FrazierSUP Stock 14 40-494:41:21
36M28Norm ScheelSUP Stock 14 40-494:45:02
37M29Ethan SageSUP Stock 14 30-394:46:13
38M30Matt MibrandSUP Stock 14 40-494:48:20
39M31Clyde wedelSUP Stock 14 50+4:48:45
40F4Noelani SawyerSUP Unlimited 40-494:50:04
41F5Nicole MadosikSUP Stock 14 30-394:51:38
42M32Ian Ham YoungSUP Under 12'6'' 18-294:54:34
43M33Kolaiah Fuzzy JardineSUP Under 12'6'' 30-394:56:50
44F6Jennifer FratzeSUP Stock 14 18-294:57:14
45M34Tommy HaleSUP Under 12'6'' 40-494:58:53
46M35Brandon KrovozaSUP Unlimited 50+4:59:30
47M36Rick MarvinSUP Stock 14 60+5:01:19
48F7Beth CarterSUP Stock 14 40-495:03:22
49F8Michelle JacksonSUP Unlimited 40-495:03:29
50M37Warwick GraySUP Under 12'6'' 50+5:05:59
51M38Drew IronsSUP Stock 14 18-295:07:52
52F9Lynn Ham YoungSUP Under 12' 6'' 60+5:12:55
53F10Laola AeaSUP Stock 14 50+5:15:03
54M39Miles PerezSUP Stock 145:16:19
55M40Fred MayoSUP Unlimited 18-295:22:24
56M41Troy Weston-webbSUP Stock 14 18-295:23:08
57M42Geoerge KnoxSUP Surfboard 60+5:25:42
58M43Alan TaogoshiSUP Unlimited 60+5:26:06
59F11Jody KjeldsenSUP6:15:44
60F12Jen GagenSUP6:32:44
61M44Simone PerezSUP6:37:49
62F13Mia MelamedSUP6:47:37
M/F #NameTime
1Andrew Logreco3:12:25
2Armie Armstrong3:17:38
3Thomas Maximus3:30:56
1Sonni Hoenscheid3:32:00
4Belar Diaz3:37:39
5Kaeo Abby3:38:33
2Penelope Strickland3:39:06
6Thomas Gallagher3:45:27
7Yatagama Lokuge Krishan3:48:09
8Tyrus Siale3:57:12
9Jeff Chang3:58:23
10Daniel Russell3:59:45
11William Rich4:00:47
12Tim Wyers4:02:27
1TEAM: Quereto/Luoma/Nakazawa4:03:55
13Nainoa Ciotti4:04:33
14Kainoa Lum4:06:51
2TEAM: Enoka/Joaquin/Cabral4:08:43
15Roland Graham4:09:02
3TEAM: Rodger/Bubnis/Kawaihalau4:10:35
16Aarons Irons4:11:39
17Nick Marvin4:13:31
18Nick Scheel4:13:59
4TEAM: Laughlin4:17:40
19Derek Moore4:20:16
20Shawn Shamlou4:23:20
21Eugene Anchueta4:25:38
5TEAM: Valiere/Kennelly4:25:58
22Brad Rambo4:26:10
3Laura Birse4:26:43
23Aamion Goodwin4:29:55
24Terry Stevens4:34:42
25Kawika Carvalho4:39:04
26Jeremy Lloyd4:40:10
27Mark Frazier4:41:21
28Norm Scheel4:45:02
29Ethan Sage4:46:13
30Matt Mibrand4:48:20
31Clyde wedel4:48:45
4Noelani Sawyer4:50:04
5Nicole Madosik4:51:38
32Ian Ham Young4:54:34
33Kolaiah Fuzzy Jardine4:56:50
6Jennifer Fratze4:57:14
34Tommy Hale4:58:53
35Brandon Krovoza4:59:30
36Rick Marvin5:01:19
7Beth Carter5:03:22
8Michelle Jackson5:03:29
37Warwick Gray5:05:59
38Drew Irons5:07:52
9Lynn Ham Young5:12:55
10Laola Aea5:15:03
39Miles Perez5:16:19
40Fred Mayo5:22:24
41Troy Weston-webb5:23:08
42Geoerge Knox5:25:42
43Alan Taogoshi5:26:06
11Jody Kjeldsen6:15:44
12Jen Gagen6:32:44
44Simone Perez6:37:49
13Mia Melamed6:47:37
Click here for raw results (including OC and prone divisions)

SIC Downwind Month