\ Countdown To Molokai – SUP Racer
July 23, 2014
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Countdown To Molokai

In case you hadn’t heard, there’s a little race happening in Hawaii this weekend…

The uber-prestigious Molokai 2 Oahu Paddleboard World Championships are just a few days away and in case you weren’t already excited enough, here’s a cool little teaser clip to get you in the mood.

If you’ve seen that tension-inducing little countdown clock to the right, you’ll know that SUPracer.com will have full live coverage of the race, including play-by-play updates from the lead boats and GPS tracking courtesy of the official M2O organisers. This is one of the biggest races of the year and the headline act in SIC’s Downwind Month.

I’ll also be posting my own Molokai predictions in a few days in case you wanna know who I think are the contenders. Either way, this is going to be one of the single biggest days of the year for the SUP community, so make sure you stick around on Sunday to follow it live.

SIC Downwind Month