\ Heads Up: 2014 Battle Of The Paddle California Dates Are Not Yet Set… – SUP Racer
November 4, 2013
by Christopher Parker (@wheresbossman)

Heads Up: 2014 Battle Of The Paddle California Dates Are Not Yet Set…

UPDATE: Dates are locked for first weekend of October as we move the 2014 Battle of the Paddle to Salt Creek.

Original post…

Battle of the Paddle CaliforniaThis is a public service announcement for all die-hard Stand Up Paddlers… Put a hold on your bookings for Dana Point in September 2014: Next year’s Battle of the Paddle California has not yet set its exact dates and may actually be moving away from the traditional “last weekend in September” time-slot.

In a sport that has more event changes, postponements and cancellations than a nervous bride, the Battle of the Paddle California is generally one race that locks in its date more than twelve months ahead. That’s not the case right now though, as the organisers are still working (or rather, battling) with the local authorities to get the right weekend set in stone.

The event is definitely happening, no question, it’s just a matter of which weekend. For the past few years it’s been held the last weekend in September, which has given paddlers a rock to anchor their entire season around. But next year it might have to move…

The issue right now is that California State Parks, which issues the (very expensive) beach permit to the BOP, has decided that the traditional “last weekend in September” isn’t suitable next year. For what reason we don’t know. The organisers are working hard with State Parks and other events to try and get the best possible weekend locked in and avoid any major race clashes. However as it stands right now, the 2014 Battle of the Paddle California dates could be anywhere from the first weekend in September to mid-October.

Hopefully we’ll know for sure in the next couple of weeks and everyone can start planning their 2014 season accordingly.

There’s no stress, the event is still 10 months away, we just wanted to give you a quick heads up (…and also answer all the email and Facebook messages about the subject in one go).

We’ll let you know as soon as dates for the 2014 Battle of the Paddle are set.

UPDATE: Dates are locked for first weekend of October as we move the 2014 Battle of the Paddle to Salt Creek.